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erwin Data Modeler Product Notification

Discontinued Support

Thank you for your continued support of Quest solutions.

This is your official notice that all versions of erwin Web Portal will reach end of support on May 30, 2025. After this date, technical support will no longer be available for this product.

To minimize disruption to your business and protect your initial investment, we have created a free swap program for you to exchange erwin Web Portal with erwin ER360.

There is No install required for ER360. However, you must have erwin DM 12.5 installed. Via a license key, ER360 is enabled. Please read more about “Why ER360”.

What you need to do is to reach your Quest sales representative to get more information about our swap program and to discuss any specific questions you have regarding the retirement of erwin Web Portal. If you need assistance in locating your sales representative, please email us at,

We are committed to providing you with world class support while handling your ongoing product and service's needs. Be sure to check what's new with erwin ER360.