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Archive Manager Product Notification

Product Release

We are excited to announce a new version of Archive Manager 5.8 is now available for download.

Look what's new:

  • Added ability to access your tenant using Modern Authentication. 
    • You can now select the authentication method when you add or edit a tenant in the Configuration Console. 
  • Added ability to skip ADs or Azure ADs for the ADC service. 
    • The AD Connector screen in the Configuration Console now includes a new option named Skip all domains above for ADC service. Select the option to NOT synchronize AD objects from the domains listed on the screen. When you add or edit a domain in the Configuration Console, you can now select the option Do Not Sync to NOT synchronize AD objects from the domain. 
    • The Azure AD Connector screen in the Configuration Console now includes a new option named Skip all tenants above for ADC service. Select the option to NOT synchronize Azure AD objects from the tenants listed on the screen. When you add or edit a tenant in the Configuration Console, you can now select the option Do Not Sync to NOT synchronize Azure AD objects from the tenant. 
  • Added ability to assign message policies for an AD or Azure AD group. You can now assign the following policies when you edit a group on the Groups page of the administration website: 
    • Default Policy 
    • Inbox Policy 
    • Sent Items Policy 
    • Deleted Items Policy 
  • New platforms supported: 
    • SQL Server 2019 
  • See also:

Check out this helpful knowledge article:

What permissions does the Archivemgr_Service Account need


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Archive Manager 5.5 is scheduled to discontinue support on November 12, 2020. To determine the current support phase of your product, please refer to the Archive Manager life cycle table.

Be sure to check out the Archive Manager Product Support page to find solution articles, tips and tricks, tutorials, documentation, notifications, life cycle tables, training, and a product user forum.

If you need additional services to assist you with upgrading Archive Manager or ensuring your solution is running optimally, please visit our Archive Manager Services page.

The Quest Software Support Renewals team can assist you with questions regarding your Support Maintenance contract or upgrading to another support offering and the Benefits of Renewing Support.